Title: Harley Merlin
Author: Bella Forrest
Published: August 27th, 2018
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Fiction, Mystery, Paranormal
Preview: A Harry Potter lookalike with glaringly obvious Harry Potter tropes that don’t work.
A no major spoilers review. Harley Merlin can sense people’s emotions and works at a casino in order to make use of these powers. A monster arrives after working at the casino and she meets Wade Crowley, a warlock. Harley decides to involve herself in the world of magic when attempts on her life come to fruition and Wade’s convincing pitches work. Can she find whoever is after her? Harley Merlin and the Secret Coven attempts to market itself as a Harry Potter lookalike,…
The Darkest Powers series – Had potential to be great, fell short
Title: The Darkest Powers series
Author: Kelley Armstrong
Published: Final book published April 6th, 2010
Genre: Paranormal, Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance, Fiction
Preview: A series with characters that I just didn’t care about with endings that left on major cliffhangers—including the last book.
A no major spoilers review. The Darkest Powers series begins with The Summoning. It introduces Chloe Sanders, a girl who was pretty normal until she saw her first ghost at her school. She’s whisked away to a mental home, Lyle House, and they tell her she has Schizophrenia. But what if she can really see ghosts? I vaguely remember reading The Darkest Powers series as a kid. Before I reread it,…
Frenzy – A vampire series that left me more confused than intrigued
Title: Frenzy (Books 1 & 2 but DNF’ed at 30%)
Author: Casey L. Bond
Published: February 9th, 2016
Genre: Paranormal, Horror, Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Preview: A tiny town doesn’t know everyone else’s business and nothing is ever explained.
A no major spoilers review.
Disclaimer: I was given this book for free from a giveaway, so I felt obligated to read it. Frenzy is based on this colony that separates itself from a disease, and the nightwalkers (vampires) protect them. The vampires protect the humans who go hunting for food in exchange for blood. And Porschia, our main character, has to go through the rotation. If I’m being completely honest, Frenzy was just…boring. It…