🌸 Title: The Necklace
🌸Author: Matt Witten
🌸Release Date: September 21st, 2021
🌸Genre: Adult, Mystery, Thriller
🌸Preview: A woman questions whether or not the man accused of killing her daughter is truly guilty.
🌸Note: I received an ARC copy from NetGalley in exchange to review.
🌸A no major spoilers review.
Susan Lentigo’s a small-town waitress who fought for the man who supposedly killed her daughter has second thoughts about the killer. She’ll go to great lengths to find the true killer—and he might be closer than she thinks.
The Necklace devastated me and left me breathless. It tore at my soul. I teared up more than once as we learn about Amy’s death, and even though we don’t experience the death with Amy, Susan’s emotions poured through the pages and sunk into my heart.
Brave and fearless, Susan wasn’t afraid to follow her heart—and even question it.
Being gaslight multiple times, Susan is not afraid to follow her gut feeling until the bitter end. And I was here for it. We stan a woman who is strong enough to believe in herself, yet also be flawed.
A realistic yet flawed character, Susan shows us that sometimes we accept things as they are without questioning them. Sometimes when you’re with someone, you can’t notice their flaws or you refuse to acknowledge them. That’s what makes Susan a great character: she’s able to rise above these flaws and recognizes the truth.
Now, after reading all of that, you might be wondering why I rated this 3.5 stars instead of 4 or 5. Let me explain.
The first half of The Necklace was my favorite part, although some may disagree with me because the action came later. But that’s okay. My heart ripped in two hearing about the circumstances of Amy’s death and the aftermath.
It went at just the right pace, and the tragic feeling of loss stuck with me. But then there was…after.
After learning about Amy’s death and how it came to fruition, the hearings, etc., things just get slow, boring, and predictable.
Now I’m not saying the entire rest of the book was slow and boring. But a majority of it was predictable. The Necklace fails to add layers to the story that may have further enhanced the mystery and suspense.
The Necklace also fails to deliver on the suspense and thriller vibes. We aren’t given any scenes after the first half of the story (except for 1) that constitutes it to be a thriller story.
At the same time, the original blurb for the book seems to be a bit off.
It says that Susan must take on the FBI—but she never “takes on the FBI.” She works with the FBI to find the true killer, but she never fights them.
It was like a “glass half empty” scenario for me. On one hand, the amazing beginning crushed me. On the other, the second half nearly bored me to tears because of its predictability.
I think adding more layers to this story would have made it amazing, but all in all, this was a great thriller that I truly recommend to thriller-lovers.

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