🌸 Title: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
🌸Author: V.E. Schwab
🌸Published: October 6th, 2020
🌸Genre: Adult, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Romance
🌸Preview: A beautifully woven tale about a girl who wishes to not be tied down—and the price she’ll pay for it.
🌸A no major spoilers review.
“If a person cannot leave a mark, do they exist?”
V.E. Schwab, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
I originally planned to read this book over my undying love for the movie The Age of Adeline. If I’m being completely honest, I thought it would be a complete rip-off of it.
It seemed too coincidental: the name, the fact that Addie can live forever, etc.
But there were major differences in The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue that made me enjoy it for what it was instead of comparing it.
I don’t think there was a character whose story I did not feel something towards. While some people may not have been able to relate to any of these characters as they were, you can’t argue the fact that from within there were tiny things that drew you to them, that maybe, just maybe, reminded you of yourself.
Addie doesn’t want to be tied down.
Henry wants to be loved by all.
I even found myself feeling bad for Luc. He is merely a creature of the night; we do not know where he comes from and why he does what he does, but he simply exists. But after a while, I could not even see him as the antagonist.
Was there really an antagonist in this story after all? Perhaps it was Addie’s and Henry’s emotions, their wants, their needs. Perhaps it was Luc who granted them what they so desired.
Or maybe that’s the point. Maybe we won’t ever know.
I will say that I think the ending was not as strong as the rest of the story, and that’s why it lost .5 stars. I found it a bit cliche; cute, but nonetheless, something that seemed very expected unlike the rest of the book.

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