Please read this page before submitting a request via my contact form!

🌸 I will not be able to accept all requests, but I will always respond to inquiries whether I can or cannot accept them.
🌸 I am a brutally honest reviewer. This means that my words are my own. I reserve the right to include any criticism whether good or bad in my review at my own discretion.
🌸 I will rate on a 1-5 star scale, very similar to Goodreads.
🌸 I reserve the right to decide whether or not your review will be on its own page or in a post grouped with other books.
🌸 If for some reason I cannot complete your review, I will let you know via email as soon as I know.
🌸 I cannot guarantee a timely review. If you need it by a certain date, there will be a fee. Please request this information when contacting me.
🌸 Reviews will be cross-posted to Goodreads, Amazon and any other requested sharing sites along with advertised on social media.

So everyone has their preferences, and I am not excluded. Let’s be honest. If your book isn’t my cup of tea, but I pretend it could be, and then you get a lukewarm review because I just wasn’t that into it…yeah. Let’s avoid that.
🌸 Age Range: Young Adult or above. You get the idea.
🌸 Format: Ebooks (preferably .mobi for easy Kindle usage, but I can do any) or physical copies. I haven’t quite gotten into audiobooks yet.
🌸 Genres I do a happy dance over: Fiction, fantasy, romance, paranormal
🌸 Genres I also will read: Thriller, horror, sci-fi, contemporary, mystery
🌸 Genres I will not read no matter how hard you try to make me like it: non-fiction, memoir, religion, poetry

Contact me via my Contact Me page or email me at jess@jemedits.com. In the heading, please put Book Review Request: [Book Name, Author Name, Primary Genre].
In your email, please provide the following information:
🌸 Title
🌸 Synopsis
🌸 Genres
🌸 Word Count
🌸 Publication Date
🌸 Format available
🌸 Timeframe (if applicable)